Restructuring of companies

To facilitate the restructuring of companies or, where this is not possible, to promote the reintroduction of assets in the economic activity. It is a strategy aimed at saving companies and preserving their economic and social value and not saving entrepreneurs or managers.

Objectives of this consultancy

Avoiding companies' inadequate and delayed recourse to the corporate restructuring (judicial and extrajudicial) modalities currently in force

  • Companies have little recourse to the System for the Recovery of Companies by Extrajudicial Way (SIREVE)
  • Companies resort to the Special Revitalization Process (PER) already in the insolvency phase, which even postpones the collectability of credits
  • Companies enter into insolvency proceedings at an advanced stage of financial stress, which jeopardizes the reuse and valuation of their assets
  • Services for the preparation of diagnoses and study of revitalization and restructuring of the company in order to be present to the administrator of insolvency to adjust the best action to develop


IF you are a foreigner outside the European community, be aware that with the formation of a company with Portuguese legal nationality you can also apply for European funds in Portugal and enjoy all the advantages of a company in the European community.

Foreign shareholders and investors also enjoy a series of benefits and tax incentives for several years

Contact us for more information!