Corporate Finance

Financing studies and processes

EFACONT draws up the economic and financial analysis of companies and their impact on credit risk management and provides the best advice on the various products and financing lines available in credit institutions to support their business namely through:

  • The creation of the Investment Companies for Economic Development (SIFE) and the Short-Term Debt Certificates opened a new opportunity for the fund management industry, reinforce financing for the Portuguese economy and enable the industry to invest in securities of small companies and medium-sized industries in which they could not enter because they did not meet the necessary requirements.

  • With the entry into force of the State Budget for 2018, smaller companies in the Portuguese market will have at their disposal new funding mechanisms. Both SIFE and Short-Term Debt Certificates are intended to enable companies to strengthen their equity, and these securities are eligible for the investment of investment funds and pension funds.

The Capitalize Program

The industry has to invest in Portugal and the new products launched under this program allow the funds to strengthen their role in financing the national economy.

The Capitalize Program joins, for the first time, Economy and justice in a common strategy that assumes one of the objectives included in the program of the XXI Government: to achieve sustained economic growth, through the recovery of business investment and the relaunch of the Portuguese economy


The FINICIA PROGRAM encompasses a set of capital and debt instruments designed to meet, individually or in combination, the financing needs of entrepreneurial initiatives recognized as socially meritorious, economically sustainable and that reveal development potential.

Guarantees for Loans

Protocols with Financial Institutions.

In pursuit of its objectives, Mutual Guarantee Societies have entered protocols with the main Financial Groups operating in the national territory. This favors speed in the decision and execution of the credit operations, as well as allows to establish limits of the spread to be practiced by the financing bank, thus obtaining more favorable conditions for the financing of the companies.

Financial Guarantees

The financial guarantees are provided for the benefit of third parties by an obligation to pay the company. It is the type of guarantees used before suppliers to enable better conditions of payment or Public Administration, arising from tax obligations, among other cases.

  • Payment guarantees

  • State Guarantees

  • Good performance guarantees

Technical Guarantees

Companies can request a single guarantee or propose the opening of a line of guarantees with a predetermined limit and that the company itself can manage, according to their needs. After the opening of a guarantee limit, its issue is processed within 24 to 48 hours.

The use of the Mutual Guarantee as an alternative to traditional banking also allows the reduction of credit risk - using these ceilings, the company maintains its bank indebtedness capacity, which it will only consume in specifically financial transactions.

  • Guarantees for public tenders

  • Assurances of good technical execution

  • Guarantees for good contractual compliance

Incentive Guarantees


Do you have an investment project approved under the Portugal 2020 Program?

No need to wait, the Mutual Guarantee guarantees the advance of 50% of the approved incentive.

The line of Mutual Guarantee Incentives - Portugal 2020, with 500 million euros, aims to allow companies to have a mechanism of guarantees, through the National Mutual Guarantee System, to collect incentives that have been approved in the scope of the "Portugal 2020" investment support programs”.

International Credit

The World Bank, the Inter-American Development Bank, the Asian Development Bank, the African Development Bank, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the Andean Development Corporation, and the European Investment Bank2) have a global supply of more than 100,000 Billion in loans, grants, guarantees and equity holdings in the public and private sectors of developing countries.

These countries, in turn, use these resources to purchase goods and services or carry out public works to implement infrastructure projects and improve the investment climate.

International financing thus presents enormous potential in terms of business opportunities, investment and international partnerships for companies seeking to internationalize their operations in developing countries.